Month: September 2008

  • nightmares

    Wednesday, early morning, I had a nightmare about our house back home.  As most of my regular readers know we have been having our house remodeled while were here in Germany.  While I was home this summer I got to see a lot that had been done and came back to Germany with a renewed sense of how great our house will be when we finally moved back to Arkansas for good.  The nightmare was about the kitchen. The contracter had laid the tile countertops in these odd shaped, thick and thin tiles that were set way to far apart and even worse they were varying shades of pastels, pink, blue, yellow and green.  And all the cabinets were so close together you had to turn sideways to get between the island and the counter.   I woke up thinking that I was glad I had the pictures that Jude sent me of my “real” kitchen. 

    Then Thursday morning Barry woke me up and told me I was hollering and fighting in my sleep.  I was trying to navigate my house but it was like a maze. There were all these corridors leading to rooms we don’t have. When I finally made it to our master bedroom it was small and cramped and very dark, but I found a handful of loose diamonds under the pilow. (How’s that for odd?) 

    Today I woke up with my heart nearly pounding out of my chest.  I was watching our contracter “S” cut something on his table saw and he cut off the index finger of his left hand.  I know he was working on our house but I don’t know which room.  The whole losing a finger thing made me forget everything else.

    3 days, 3 nightmares. Stick a fork in me I’m done! 

    small photo update

    my kitchen Here’s a not so great picture but it does show how pretty my kitchen is….no need for any kind of nightmare.  This shows the back of the island looking toward my kitchen sink, which has a lovely garden window above it. My cabinets are the same and so is the window, but the rock around the island, the tile floor and the marble countertops are new.  I had to pick it all out myself when I was home in July. It was nerve wracking but awesome all at the same time. 

    sheesh, I think my brain is in need of a vacation.

  • An elderly couple, Margaret and Bert, moved to Texas .

    Bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some on sale, he bought them and wore them home. 

    Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, ‘Notice anything different about me?’ 

    Margaret looked him over. ‘Nope.’ 

    Frustrated, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots. 

    Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time, ‘Notice anything different NOW?’ 

    Margaret looked up and exclaimed, ‘Bert, what’s different? It’s hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it’ll be hanging down again tomorrow!’ 


    ‘Nope’, she replied. 


    Without changing her expression, Margaret replied,
    ‘Shoulda bought a hat, Bert.
    Shoulda bought a hat.’