January 23, 2009

  • I can do this

    The latest to go around is so easy even a slacker like me can do it and come out ok.

    1. Grab the nearest book.
    2. Open to page 92.
    3. Find the third sentence.
    4. Post the text of the sentence along with these instructions.
    5. Don't dig for a favorite book, pick the CLOSEST.

    The closest book is right by my recliner, which is three steps from the computer.

    It's called
    "This Republic Of Suffering"  The subtitle is ... Death and the American Civil War" it is written by Drew Gilpin Faust
    pg 92 is from the chapter called Burying and the third sentence is quite, umm, informative.

    The Staunton Transportation Company, for example, distributed handbills to civilians thronging Gettysburg in July and August 1863, promising that it's new "Transportation Case preserves the body in a natural state and [as] perfect condition as when placed in it for any distance or length of time in any weather."

    I know, it's a heavy subject, some might even say depressing. I believe a lot can be learned even today so I read about the civil war and others. Many times it gives an indication of how we got where we are today.  Other wars do the same, I have always loved history. So there it is my page 92.

Comments (6)

  • I'm a history buff too... I don't read books about it much though.

  • here's mine, just for you.
    A kind of fever seized him at the thought that he might lose her, the white youthful body might slip away from him!
    Peter made a joke that the closest book from me should be a romance novel, since all my books are on the bookshelf, so we took the point furthest out on my body, (my knees, since I was sitting) and took the book directly in front of them. 1984, and it still sounds vaguely smutty.

  • Staunton is right down the road from here!

     History is very important as it is always repeating itself. 

  • But, at least , it was a historical tradition or fact . It is better than mine since the nearest book was my dictionary Harrap's!!! and the sentence page 4 was the definition of bootlace !!!! We do with what we have !

    I am glad Elizabeth you enjoyed the flute



  • Definitely a heavy subject but also an important one to know about!

  • I'm stealing the Einstein quote at the top of your page!


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