Month: April 2008

  • In Amsterdam

    I was thinking about the doors pictures I took on my latest trip and then I thought there are doors and there are doors.  What a particular door can evoke in a person, sadness and introspection or happiness and a sense of well being are two polar opposites emotions you can feel.  If you don’t think a door can do that to you then you haven’t seen a door and thought to yourself I wonder what’s on the other side.  Or seen a picture of a door and gotten a “feeling” from it.  There are plenty of doors that are nothing more than portals to another room or place, then there are some that when you stand in front of them you know that this door has history, not necessarily good history.  There it is, just a door, an inanimate object that is a witness to other lives and times.

    263 Prinsengracht In case you can’t read this or don’t want to take the time to click it and look at it full size, this is the door to 263 Prinsengracht. This is the door that led to the warehouse and offices of Otto Frank’s company and the place that he and his family and friends lived for 25 months in hiding from the Nazis. They hid in the back part of the building in a “Secret Annex”.  The most famous resident of that secret annex is Anne Frank. 

    The Diary of Anne Frank is almost universally known but standing in front of that door and then touring what is now a museum was something else entirely.

    I haven’t read Anne’s diary for years but even after all this time there are parts that I still remember. Her longing to be free to walk in the sun. Her curiosity about growing into a woman and the “crush” she had for Peter Van Pels, her fellow “prisoner” in the annex.  Climbing into the attic and watching the Chestnut tree and the clouds going by.  What always struck me was the maturity her diary showed, she had a way of expressing herself that even today is unique and timely. 

    There were some parts of the secret annex that were very hard to see and brought tears to my eyes.  There was a place on the wall in her parents room that they used to measure Anne and Margots’ growth.  It was so hard seeing that, how many of us parents have that same spot in our house where we measure how much our children have grown in the last year?  How heartbreaking to see that and know that of them all, their father would be the only one to survive the war. Worst of all knowing that all that growth was done in horrifying circumstances far from the normal lives our children lead.  Then there was Anne’s room, covered in movie stars and celebrities of the day torn from magazines and pasted onto the walls in an effort to brighten the room.   And the chestnut tree, still there, so old and now diseased. They are discussing whether it needs to be cut down and that in itself makes me so sad, though I know for a Chestnut tree it is at the end of a natural life.  It’s almost as if, if it still stands something of her does too, something living that she cherished.  Seeing her diary, the real thing out there on display, such a tiny book and yet it changed lives all over the world.

    Some of the best part was reading and seeing how faithful their helpers were, the 4 employees of Otto Frank. They took enormous risk and never flinched from what they were doing, even knowing it could cost the lives of them and their families if they were caught.  Two of them did get sent to prison.  It was Bep Voskuijl and Miep Gies who ultimately saved Annes’ diary and Miep who gave it back to her father after the war.

    This door led to a different world.  This door offered a safe haven for family and friends.  At least it was safe for awhile, it was safe until betrayal cost the lives of 7 innocent people who’s only crime was being Jewish.  This door has been silent witness to some of the best and worst humanity has to offer and it still stands.  I hope it stand for many years to come so that people today can learn what happened in that not so distant past.


  • Keukenhof and Amsterdam? Not yet.

    We had a great trip to The Netherlands and Katrina went home today. I am exhausted by all the traveling and walking we did but we really had a great time.  I still haven’t gone through all of my pictures, I’m a bum I know.  I did upload some of my pictures from Ireland so that has to count in my favor.  I feel like I should write about that first trip first.  Allison put up a bunch of wedding pictures so I’m leaving that to her and thought I would put up some pics of our trip to Connemara.

    My lovely daughters stayed in Galway and Bear and I took Emily’s boyfriend Trey, Allison’s new hubby Brian and Katrina and we loaded into the Nissan Micra I rented.  We drove from Galway around to Clifden then on to Coral Strand Beach. We spent at least an hour or so there before we went on to Roundstone to have dinner and buy postcards.  Then we went on to see the 12 Bens or Pins, which are mountains.  All along the way was some of the most gorgeous countryside and it was SO VERY worth the drive. 

    Connemara, Ireland Part of the moors Tower ruins on an island Connemara, Ireland Seals just outside Clifden, Ireland Digger the dog Our rental car in Ireland Roundstone, Ireland Roundstone Ireland April 2008 Ireland April 2008 Ireland April 2008 Ireland April 13, 2008


  • I am home and the wedding and everything all weekend was perfect, my pictures aren’t but the celebration was.  I promise to blog and put up pictures but right now I don’t have time. You see  Bear and I talked my late best friends daughter into coming home with us, we promised to take her to Amsterdam. So tomorrow Bear is driving the two of us to the Keukenhof Garden and then we are going to Amsterdam until late Monday night. w00t, I am finally going to see the Van Gogh museum and the Rijksmuseum and more.  I’m so excited! 

    Brian and Allison's wedding

    I accidently put this on allison’s photo blog first. rofl, oh well it was her wedding!

    All of our pictures at the actual wedding site were either blurry or shadowed or someone had red eye……not one came out worth a damn.

    Brian’s uncle is going to share his pictures and he has a much better camera so I’m hoping that his came out better than mine. I guess i’ll know in a few weeks. 





    My girls and Katrina  This was taken a day or so after the wedding.

    left to right…

    my Emily

    the bride, Allison is in the middle

     On the right Cassie’s daughter Katrina. The only one of our friends able to come over for the wedding.  We were waiting at Dublin airport for Emily, Trey and Katrina to arrive and it was so funny because me and Em didn’t cry but when Katrina saw me she cried, so of course I did.  I think I’m the closest thing to a mom she has left.

    I’m really glad that we are getting to take her to Amsterdam.


    Edit update for Angi.

    My new hat. I got this instead of an Aran Island sweater.

    Menlo castle


  • Irish Wedding

    Spread the word and send everyone you know over to my daughters site to say Congratulations. she’s getting married and today is the day!


  • Hey! Guess what?

    Today is my birthday…….

    ……and it’s snowing!!

    I can only remember it snowing on my birthday once before and that was when we lived on Cape Cod.  It was very close to Easter that year and the kids went out on the back deck and made a snowman on my birthday.  Most of the time we live in places that by April 7th it’s way to warm to snow. The cape weather was a bit cooler than Arkansas and Arizona.

    Now don’t go asking me what we’re doing for my birthday cause the answer is a big nothing.  Bear declared over 2 months ago that our anniversary and my birthday present was our trip to Ireland. Which I explained to him was a big pile of dog doodoo because if Brian and Allie were getting married in August he wouldn’t dare try to claim it as having anything to do with my birthday. Oh well!
    I plan on celebrating their wedding to the absolute fullest extent that Irish law and Guinness allow and screw getting a year older!! rofl. 

    Who’s with me?

  • w00t!


    ·        Today is the day people!!!  The day that is celebrated worldwide, okay maybe not worldwide, maybe just in our house.   It is celebrated though and with good reason. What is this day of celebration you may ask? It is our anniversary. That’s right 26 years ago today we snuck off to the judge’s office and had him pronounce us legally wed.  Last night we were talking about this day and what we remember. The things that sticks in your mind and after awhile start to define that day.  For us there were a couple of things. The first is that we didn’t actually get married on the day we chose to.  We were going to get married on April Fools.  At the time, in Phoenix, you had to have a blood test before you could get married.   We lived on the west side of town on 69th Ave. and Bethany Home Road. The place to get your blood drawn was downtown. Way downtown!  Back then Phoenix didn’t really have freeways so you had to use surface streets to get anywhere so it took us close to an hour just to get there.  We went in and filled out the paperwork and that’s when they told us that they didn’t take checks.  Now remember this was before debit machines on every corner and we didn’t have a credit card. So we were left with one choice, find a bank and get a check cashed. You would think that would have been pretty easy but it wasn’t so we gave up and went home.  2 hours driving to get there and back and no license. I will never forget how mad Bear was, he’s always let things get to him and for 26 years I’ve been telling him not to have a stroke. (This is him…  This is me…  Together we get on pretty good.) 

    So the next day, April 2nd we took out $100.00 cash from the bank and went back down and paid $40.00 to have our blood drawn and they pointed us to Judge John Barclay’s office which was right down the road. We waited a bit and then he took us into his office and married us. Just the three of us, me and Bear in our jeans and t-shirts and the judge in his thousand dollar suit in his private office.  I asked him if we didn’t need witnesses and he said he would have a couple of the ladies downstairs in the office sign off as witnesses on our certificate. (I worried for the longest time about not have any real witnesses)  He was very nice and asked if we had rings which we didn’t, asked me if I was sure, which I was. Then he asked Bear too and he was just as sure, we were pretty determined by this point.  Then Judge Barclay started talking. He told us marriage was sacred that it was a circle of loving, of give and take. He told us that sometimes we would be unhappy and sometimes we would have sorrow but if we stood together we would not be torn apart by the world or the things in it.  He told us to have God in our hearts and our marriage and that our love would grow.  Somewhere in the middle of all that I started breathing again.  I was so nervous that I had locked my knees and quit breathing so i let out this huge gasp.  It was probably the nervous look on my face that had prompted his question of whether I was sure I was ready to get married.  I’m sure now that he took one look at my Belly and saw Allison in there and thought I was getting married because of that baby.  He couldn’t have been more wrong. Married or not I knew then as I know now I would never stop loving this man and something truly terrible would have to change him to make me not love him.  I am so grateful I didn’t cause myself to pass out; I would have been so embarrassed.  Bear just sort of looked at me and the judge paused for a second and we went on, all three of us breathing like we were meant to, lol.

    When it was all over we went to the mall.  Seemed like the thing to do at the time!  We happened upon some prints we liked and we bought three, so that was a wedding present to ourselves. I kept them for years, long after our tastes had changed and they were yellowed. Then I put them away and as far as I know they are still in the attic.  Then we drove back to our apartment and had a nap.  At 4 1/2 month pregnant I needed it and as unromantic as it sounds now that was our honeymoon. HAH! The mall and a nap!

    When we got our marriage license in the mail a few weeks later there was a typo on it, one small mistake that I took as a sort of sign. His middle name was misspelled and it was spelled like this…Walte$.   I hoped it meant we would never have to worry about money, because there it was like a gift and I was right. It has never failed that throughout the years we have always had enough.  Not as much money as we would like to have but enough.  Enough money to buy groceries, pay the bills, buy clothes.  Sometimes we struggled and went into debt but hard times just drew us closer as a family.  Our riches it turns out are with each other, not the almighty $dollar$ and after 26 years it’s still enough.

    I almost forgot one of the things Bear remembered from that day. When we drove down to the judges office we had to park across the street and then instead of going back to the corner and crossing the street we jaywalked.  I can’t believe that’s one of the things he remembered, jaywalking!? What an odd man I’m married to!